ORAchk replaces the RACCheck utility. ORAchk extends health check coverage to the entire Oracle software stack, and identifies and addresses top issues reported by Oracle users.
ORAchk proactively scans for known problems with Oracle products and deployments, including the following:
- Standalone Oracle Database
- Oracle Grid Infrastructure
- Oracle Real Application Clusters
- Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Validation
- Upgrade Readiness Validations
- Oracle Golden Gate
Oracle is continuing to expand checks, based on customer requests.
Installation :
[root@ram orachk]# cp -r /home/oracle/Desktop/orachk.zip /u01/app/oracle/product/
[root@ram orachk]# ls -lrt
total 418548
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 3879 Jun 10 2016 generate_guests_list.sh
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 11487 Jun 10 2016 cgrep
-rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 182 Jun 10 2016 UserGuide.txt
-rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 2201 Jun 10 2016 readme.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 2888 Aug 10 2016 user_defined_checks.xsd
-rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 5906493 Aug 10 2016 rules.dat
-rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 2856776 Aug 10 2016 orachk
-rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 42423762 Aug 10 2016 collections.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 2170483 Aug 10 2016 ORAchk_Health_Check_Catalog.html
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 4801825 Aug 10 2016 CollectionManager_App.sql
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:35 templates
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:35 exadiscover
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:35 doc
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 32159 Oct 22 20:22 orachk_debug_20181022_202100.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 11540087 Oct 22 21:14 orachk_debug_20181022_203840.log
-rwxr--r--. 1 root root 358799048 Oct 23 02:22 orachk.zip
[root@ram orachk]# unzip orachk.zip
Archive: orachk.zip
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inflating: collections.dat
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inflating: rules.dat
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inflating: .cgrep/lcgreps10
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inflating: .cgrep/checkDiagCollections.sh
inflating: .cgrep/scgrep
inflating: .cgrep/cluster_check_os_collect
inflating: .cgrep/filechecker.sh
inflating: .cgrep/parse_user_defined_checks.pl
inflating: .cgrep/idmhc_get_check_status.pl
extracting: .cgrep/dbsat.zip
inflating: .cgrep/scnhealthcheck.sql
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inflating: .cgrep/checkLocalDisks.sh
inflating: .cgrep/zonecores.sh
inflating: .cgrep/isc_summary.pl
inflating: .cgrep/lcgreps11
inflating: .cgrep/lcgrep5
inflating: .cgrep/checkHiddenParams.sh
inflating: .cgrep/validatePassword.sh
inflating: .cgrep/preupgrade122.jar
inflating: .cgrep/ocm_switch.py
inflating: .cgrep/checkDiskFGMapping.sh
inflating: .cgrep/parse_index.pl
inflating: .cgrep/append_merge_collections.pl
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inflating: .cgrep/ggdiscovery.sh
inflating: .cgrep/EM_NLSID_ID.dat
inflating: .cgrep/preupgrade19.jar
inflating: .cgrep/preupgrd.sql
inflating: .cgrep/get_zfs_checks.pl
inflating: .cgrep/discover_java_home.sh
inflating: .cgrep/pxhcdr.sql
inflating: .cgrep/preupgrade18.jar
inflating: .cgrep/discoverdbasm.pl
inflating: .cgrep/check_sysctl.awk
inflating: .cgrep/mineocr.pm
inflating: .cgrep/lcgreps9
inflating: .cgrep/zlcgrep6
inflating: .cgrep/utlusts.sql
inflating: .cgrep/readreg.pl
inflating: .cgrep/rac_main.pl
inflating: .cgrep/lcgrep3
inflating: .cgrep/check_reblance_free_space.sql
inflating: .cgrep/ogghc_11203.sql
inflating: .cgrep/lcgrep6
inflating: .cgrep/cgrepwin61
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inflating: .cgrep/vmpscan.sh
inflating: .cgrep/check_dom0_ocfs2.sh
inflating: .cgrep/checkDiskScheduler.sh
inflating: .cgrep/rac_lib.pm
inflating: .cgrep/asrexacheck
inflating: .cgrep/ra_check_version.pl
inflating: .cgrep/scgrepx86
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inflating: .cgrep/oracle-upstarttmpl.conf
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inflating: .cgrep/show_file_in_html.pl
inflating: .cgrep/wincgrep.exe
inflating: .cgrep/lcgrep6s
inflating: .cgrep/profile_collections.pl
inflating: .cgrep/create_version.pl
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/SoftringWorkflow
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inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/Cluster
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/DNSConfiguration
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inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSDIMM
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/StorageMemSize
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ComputeAnalyticsRetentionPolicy
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ExtShareDedup
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ExtShadows
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/DiskTimeoutWarning
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSPowerSupply
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/Shadows
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ExtMirrorProfile
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inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSServices
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ExtShareQuota
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ComputeZSZillas
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/Lock
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSFan
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/NISService
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ComputeDatasets
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSNTP
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSVersion
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSZillas
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSRouting
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/NFSDelegation
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/Backend
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSILOM
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/L2ARCHeader
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/NFS4LockObjectLeak
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/CommonCode
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/AnalyticsRetentionPolicy
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSSlot
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ZSCPU
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ExtBlockSize
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ShareDedup
inflating: .cgrep/zfschecks/ShareQuota
inflating: .cgrep/run_individual_checks.pl
inflating: .cgrep/diff_checks.pl
inflating: .cgrep/hugeSGAchecks.sh
inflating: .cgrep/ogghc_12101.sql
inflating: .cgrep/ogghc_11204.sql
inflating: .cgrep/combine_collections.pl
inflating: .cgrep/OVMMCheckChannels.py
inflating: .cgrep/cluster_check_os_check
inflating: .cgrep/cgrepwin63
creating: lib/
inflating: lib/debugger.pyc
inflating: lib/__init__.pyc
inflating: lib/fileattr.pyc
inflating: lib/utils.pyc
inflating: lib/mail.pyc
inflating: lib/command.pyc
inflating: lib/messages.pyc
inflating: lib/em_xml_template.pyc
inflating: lib/execute_checks.pyc
inflating: lib/wallet.pm
inflating: lib/logger.pyc
inflating: lib/constant.pyc
inflating: lib/help.pyc
inflating: lib/CM_UpgradeScript.sql
inflating: lib/autoscheduler.tmpl
inflating: lib/data_collections.pyc
inflating: lib/discover_env.pyc
inflating: lib/cleanup.pyc
inflating: lib/init.tmpl
inflating: lib/patch_recommendation.pyc
inflating: lib/mkstore.pyc
inflating: lib/autostart
inflating: lib/CM_Wrapper.sql
inflating: lib/oracle-upstarttmpl.conf
inflating: lib/generate_report.pyc
inflating: lib/winservice.pyc
inflating: lib/cm_lib.pl
creating: lib/wallet_jars/
inflating: lib/wallet_jars/ojpse.jar
inflating: lib/wallet_jars/osdt_core.jar
inflating: lib/wallet_jars/osdt_cert.jar
extracting: lib/wallet_jars/cwallet.sso
inflating: lib/wallet_jars/oraclepki.jar
inflating: lib/wallet_jars/ojmisc.jar
inflating: lib/dbconnection.pyc
inflating: lib/connection.pyc
inflating: lib/security.pyc
inflating: lib/watchdog.pyc
creating: build/
extracting: build/Python3_zlinux.zip
extracting: build/Python3_aix.zip
extracting: build/Python3_solaris_sparc.zip
extracting: build/Python3_solaris.zip
extracting: build/Python3_linux.zip
inflating: exadiscover/README
inflating: exadiscover/list_master_node.sql
inflating: exadiscover/list_all_ips.sql
inflating: exadiscover/list_all_ips_vars.sql
inflating: exadiscover/list_assets.sql
inflating: exadiscover/CHANGELOG
inflating: exadiscover/exadiscover.py
inflating: exadiscover/list_ovmm.sql
inflating: exadiscover/exadiscover.sh
inflating: templates/exachk_exalogic.conf.tmpl_quarter
inflating: templates/exachk_exalogic.conf.tmpl_half
inflating: templates/exachk_exalogic.conf.tmpl_full
inflating: templates/exachk_exalogic.conf.tmpl_eighth
creating: bash/
inflating: bash/psqlplus
inflating: bash/discoverdbasm.pl
inflating: bash/orachk
creating: web/
inflating: web/orachk.jar
inflating: web/setup_ords.sh
inflating: web/ords.war
inflating: .cgrep/orachk.pyc
extracting: build/.DIAGKIT.zip
inflating: ORAchk_Health_Check_Catalog.html
inflating: UserGuide.txt
inflating: readme.txt
inflating: doc/ORAchk_and_EXAchk_User_Guide.pdf
[root@ram orachk]#
[oracle@ram ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/ [oracle@ram suptools]$ ls -lrt total 12 drwxr-xr-x. 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:33 tfa drwxr-xr-x. 6 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:35 orachk drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:39 oratop [oracle@ram suptools]$ cd orachk/ [oracle@ram orachk]$ ls -lrt total 56848 -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 3879 Jun 10 2016 generate_guests_list.sh -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 11487 Jun 10 2016 cgrep -rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 182 Jun 10 2016 UserGuide.txt -rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 2201 Jun 10 2016 readme.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 2888 Aug 10 2016 user_defined_checks.xsd -rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 5906493 Aug 10 2016 rules.dat -rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 2856776 Aug 10 2016 orachk -rwxr-x---. 1 oracle oinstall 42423762 Aug 10 2016 collections.dat -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 2170483 Aug 10 2016 ORAchk_Health_Check_Catalog.html -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 4801825 Aug 10 2016 CollectionManager_App.sql drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:35 templates drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:35 exadiscover drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 19 10:35 doc
[oracle@ram orachk]$ cat readme.txt
For full documentation on ORAchk including details on what's new in see the ORAchk_and_EXAchk_User_Guide.pdf in the doc directory or the ORAchk and EXAchk User's Guide at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E75572_01/index.html
Issues fixed in ORAchk
23041776 lnx64-12.2-orachk: failed to use psqlplus
23193819 request orachk to check udev best practice on network configuration hotplug="n"
23147689 orachk resource discovery fails for 10.2 databases
23144636 support anonymous pl/sql block in sql checks
23140046 check if compatible.asm and compatible.dbms should be advanced
23074512 problems parsing the values for autorun_schedule
23074163 daemon does not send diff report as email attachment
23071612 orachk to check that service_names parameter is not set in the spfile
23041743 lnx64-12.2-orachk:output not under oracle_base when run orachk not in its home
23014620 can not run orachk from stage directory due to permission issues
23012747 ac: application continuity - filter acchk output
23007768 orachk execution appends discovery name on path
22861038 orachk db discovery fails on linux 7
22746951 password visible in -setupload and -getupload
22721891 testemail does not validate address
22642844 orachk to warn if large amount of hugepage is free
22642302 provide centralized wallet for orachk cm uploads
21947833 orachk - database prompt mismatch on standalone server
21773769 lnx64-12.2-oracheck: implement the file checker component for oracheck module
19161674 lnx64-12.1-orachk:orachk hit syntax error
18956483 lnx64-121-cmt: oakcli orachk hit warning sys.audses$ sequence cache size < 10000
18944821 solsp-12.1-utl-orachk:orachk give a wrong information about stack status
18944432 solsp-12.1-utl-orachk:tabular information isn't well aligned in orachk output
18789186 solsp-12.1-utl-orachk: remove/update log ownership check for orachk
18748527 solsp-12.1-utl-orachk:no need to ask non-gi user to set rat_output for -h option
Issues fixed in previous ORAchk releases
For a full list of ORAchk version history see ORAchk_EXAchk_Feature_Fix_History.pdf in the doc directory.
To check the version:
using the -v option.
[oracle@ram orachk]$ ./orachk -v
To capture debug output:
[oracle@ram orachk]$ ./orachk –debug
Output : click here
Permission Problems:
You must have sufficient directory permissions to run Oracle ORAchk
Automatic start from TFA install
Oracle Trace File Analyzer root installations on Linux or Solaris on non-engineered systems will automatically setup and run the ORAchk daemon.
The daemon will be restarted at 1am every morning, in order to discover any environment changes. A full local ORAchk run will be performed at 2am every morning and a partial run of the most impactful checks will be run every 2 hours via the oratier1 profile.
Any collections older than 2 weeks will automatically be purged.
If ORAchk is installed in stand-alone mode Auto start can also be used for quick setup by running orachk -autostart, again only when run as root on Linux or Solaris on a non-engineered system.
Once auto start is enabled the daemon settings can be changed as per normal and auto start can be removed any time by using orachk -autostop or tfactl run orachk -autostop
Pre check:
[root@ram orachk]# ./orachk -u -o pre This version of orachk was released on 26-May-2016 and its older than 120 days. No new version of orachk is available in RAT_UPGRADE_LOC. It is highly recommended that you download the latest version of orachk from my oracle support to ensure the highest level of accuracy of the data contained within the report. Do you want to download latest version from my oracle support? [y/n][y]y updates.oracle.com is not reachable. Please establish connectivity to updates.oracle.com and try again. Do you want to continue running this version? [y/n][y]y Running older version... Running orachk ---------------------------------------------------------- PATH : /u01/app/oracle/product/ VERSION : COLLECTIONS DATA LOCATION : /u01/app/oracle/orachk ---------------------------------------------------------- This version of orachk was released on 26-May-2016 and its older than 120 days. No new version of orachk is available in RAT_UPGRADE_LOC. It is highly recommended that you download the latest version of orachk from my oracle support to ensure the highest level of accuracy of the data contained within the report. Do you want to download latest version from my oracle support? [y/n][y]y updates.oracle.com is not reachable. Please establish connectivity to updates.oracle.com and try again. Do you want to continue running this version? [y/n][y]y Running older version... Enter upgrade target version (valid versions are,, and Invalid upgrade target version format or upgrade version not yet supported. Enter upgrade target version (valid versions are,, and 2 tries left:- This computer is for [S]ingle instance database or part of a [C]luster to run RAC database [S|C] [C]:S RDBMS binaries found at /u01/app/oracle/product/ and ORACLE_HOME not set. Do you want to set ORACLE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/[y/n][y]y Checking for prompts for root user on all nodes... Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS . . . . . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Stack Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host Name CRS Installed ASM HOME RDBMS Installed CRS UP ASM UP RDBMS UP DB Instance Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ram No No Yes No No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installed components summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GI_HOME ORACLE_HOME Database Names --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking for prompts for oracle user on all nodes... Source vesrsion (122010) is higher than Target version (121020). orachk is exiting...
To avoid problems while running the tool from terminal sessions on a network attached workstation or laptop, consider running the tool using VNC.
If there is a network interruption, then the tool continues to process to completion.
If the tool fails to run, then re-run the tool. The tool does not resume from the point of failure.
Running Health Checks On-Demand:
To start on-demand health check runs, log in to the system as an appropriate user, and then run an appropriate tool.
Specify the options to direct the type of run that you want.
[root@ram orachk]# ./orachk This version of orachk was released on 26-May-2016 and its older than 120 days. No new version of orachk is available in RAT_UPGRADE_LOC. It is highly recommended that you download the latest version of orachk from my oracle support to ensure the highest level of accuracy of the data contained within the report. Do you want to download latest version from my oracle support? [y/n][y]y updates.oracle.com is not reachable. Please establish connectivity to updates.oracle.com and try again. Do you want to continue running this version? [y/n][y]y Running older version... Running orachk ---------------------------------------------------------- PATH : /u01/app/oracle/product/ VERSION : COLLECTIONS DATA LOCATION : /u01/app/oracle/orachk ---------------------------------------------------------- This version of orachk was released on 26-May-2016 and its older than 120 days. No new version of orachk is available in RAT_UPGRADE_LOC. It is highly recommended that you download the latest version of orachk from my oracle support to ensure the highest level of accuracy of the data contained within the report. Do you want to download latest version from my oracle support? [y/n][y]y updates.oracle.com is not reachable. Please establish connectivity to updates.oracle.com and try again. Do you want to continue running this version? [y/n][y]y Running older version... Checking for prompts for oracle user on all nodes... List of running databases 1. clone 2. test 3. All of above 4. None of above Searching out ORACLE_HOME for selected databases. . . . . Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking for prompts for root user on all nodes... . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Stack Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host Name CRS Installed ASM HOME RDBMS Installed CRS UP ASM UP RDBMS UP DB Instance Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ram No No Yes No No Yes clone test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copying plug-ins . . . . . . . . . *** Checking Best Practice Recommendations (PASS/WARNING/FAIL) *** Collections and audit checks log file is /u01/app/oracle/orachk/orachk_ram_test_102318_001148/log/orachk.log Checking for prompts in /root/.bash_profile on ram for root user... . . ============================================================= Node name - ram ============================================================= . . . . . Collecting - Database Parameters for test database Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for test database Collecting - RDBMS Feature Usage for test database Collecting - CPU Information Collecting - DiskMount Information Collecting - Kernel parameters Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores per semaphore set Collecting - Memory Information Collecting - OS Packages Collecting - Operating system release information and kernel version Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home Collecting - Table of file system defaults Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call Collecting - Disk Information Collecting - Linux Operating system health check using vmpscan.sh Collecting - Root user limits Collecting - Verify no database server kernel out of memory errors Data collections completed. Checking best practices on ram. -------------------------------------------------------------------- FAIL => Bash is vulnerable to code injection (CVE-2014-6271) WARNING => Linux Swap Configuration does NOT meet Recommendation WARNING => physical memory is not sufficient INFO => Important Storage Minimum Requirements for Grid & Database Homes INFO => Most recent ADR incidents for /u01/app/oracle/product/ INFO => Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices INFO => user_dump_dest has trace files older than 30 days for test FAIL => Operating system hugepages count does not satisfy total SGA requirements WARNING => OSWatcher is not running as is recommended. WARNING => Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on PRIMARY is NOT set to the recommended value. for test INFO => Operational Best Practices INFO => Database Consolidation Best Practices INFO => Computer failure prevention best practices INFO => Data corruption prevention best practices INFO => Logical corruption prevention best practices INFO => Database/Cluster/Site failure prevention best practices INFO => Client failover operational best practices WARNING => Duplicate objects were found in the SYS and SYSTEM schemas for test WARNING => Oracle clusterware is not being used WARNING => RAC Application Cluster is not being used for database high availability on test instance WARNING => DISK_ASYNCH_IO is NOT set to recommended value for test FAIL => Flashback on PRIMARY is not configured for test INFO => Database failure prevention best practices WARNING => fast_start_mttr_target has NOT been changed from default on test instance FAIL => Primary database is NOT protected with Data Guard (standby database) for real-time data protection and availability for test FAIL => Active Data Guard is not configured for test INFO => Oracle recovery manager(rman) best practices INFO => Consider increasing the COREDUMPSIZE size WARNING => Consider investigating changes to the schema objects such as DDLs or new object creation for test WARNING => Consider investigating the frequency of SGA resize operations and take corrective action for test Best Practice checking completed.Checking recommended patches on ram. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collecting patch inventory on ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Recommended RDBMS patches for 122010 from /u01/app/oracle/product/ on ram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch# RDBMS ASM type Patch-Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDBMS homes patches summary report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total patches Applied on RDBMS Applied on ASM ORACLE_HOME --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 /u01/app/oracle/product/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed report (html) - /u01/app/oracle/orachk/orachk_ram_test_102318_001148/orachk_ram_test_102318_001148.html UPLOAD(if required) - /u01/app/oracle/orachk/orachk_ram_test_102318_001148.zip [root@ram orachk]#
Database Server Details
After i run the ORAchk utility i got few output from my server which i added below.
- ram (Server Name)
For detailed report click here
Top Consumers :
ORAchk Assessment Report:
For detailed report click here
Post Upgrade:
After upgrading, run the post-upgrade checks:
[root@ram orachk]# ./orachk -u -o post
Running On-Demand With or Without the Daemon
When running on-demand, if the daemon is running, then the daemon answers all prompts where possible including the passwords.
To run health checks on-demand if the daemon is running, then use:
[root@ram orachk]# ./orachk
To avoid connecting to the daemon process, meaning the tool to interactively prompt you as required, use the -nodaemon option:
[root@ram orachk]# ./orachk -nodaemon
Daemon mode is supported only on the Linux and Solaris operating systems.
Sending Results by Email
Optionally email the HTML report to one or more recipients using the -sendemail option.
[oracle@ram orachk]$ ./orachk -sendemail "NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=support@gmail.com"
Few Commands:
Catch Me On:- Hariprasath Rajaram Telegram:https://t.me/joinchat/I_f4DhGF_Zifr9YZvvMkRg LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/hari-prasath-aa65bb19/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/HariPrasathdba FBGroup:https://www.facebook.com/groups/894402327369506/ FBPage: https://www.facebook.com/dbahariprasath/? Twitter: https://twitter.com/hariprasathdba