TDB requires that data files be converted to the target platform format. The data file conversion can occur on either the source system or the target system.
When performing a source system conversion, TDB creates a second copy of all data files on the source system in the format of the target system.
The converted data files must then be transferred to the
proper location on the target system.
Using TDB to migrate a database to a new platform of the same endian format consists of the following
High-level steps:
1. Check prerequisites
2. Prepare for the platform migration
3. Start the database in READ ONLY mode
4. Verify the database is ready for migration
5. Run the RMAN CONVERT DATABASE command
6. Move necessary files to the target system
7. Complete the migration
– Check Prerequisites
Source Database :- (Linux Platform 64-bit)
Check the platform name of current database:
Check the endian format of current platform
Note that ENDIAN format is little
Check that endian format of the target platform i.e. Windows IA(64-bit) is also little
So the database can be transported
Startup database in READ ONLY mode
Make a folder to hold converted datafiles
$mkdir /home/oracle/demonew
RMAN Transportable Database Method :-
Execute DBMS_TDB.CHECK_EXTERNAL function to identify any external tables, directories, or BINARY FILEs.RMAN cannot transport of these files, so you must copy the files manually and re-create the database directories.
Below PL SQL script will help to see database to transportable or not.
b := DBMS_TDB.CHECK_DB(‘Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit)’,DBMS_TDB.SKIP_READONLY);
if b
dbms_output.put_line(‘YES your database can be transported to Windows platform’);
dbms_output.put_line(‘NO your database cannot be transported to WIndows Platform’);
end if;
The CONVERT DATABASE command specified in the example creates
– a transport script named /home/oracle/demonew/transportdb.sql which contains SQL statements used to create the new database on the destination platform,
– a PFILE init_demonew.ora in file /home/oracle/demonew for use with the new database on the destination platform, containing settings used from the source database.
Several entries at the top of the PFILE should be edited when the database is moved to the destination platform
– a copy of all data files in the =/home/oracle/demonew directory in the format of the target platform ‘Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit)
Edit init.ora file /home/oracle/demonew/INIT_DEMONEW.ora.
This PFILE will be used to create the database on the target platform
Run SQL script /home/oracle/demonew/transportdb.sql on the target platform to create database
To recompile all PL/SQL modules, run utlirp.sql and utlrp.sql on the target platform
To change the internal database identifier, use DBNEWID Utility
Target Database :- (Windows Platform 64-bit)
Make folders on target windows host
c:\>mkdir c:\app\administrator\oradata\demonew
mkdir c:\app\administrator\admin\demonew\adump”
Copy all the files in /home/oracle/demonew folder to c:\app\administrator\oradata\demonew
i.e. datafiles
transport script
Move PFILE to $ORACLE_HOME/database
i.e. c:\app\administrator\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\dbs
C:\> copy c:\app\test\oradata\newdb\INIT_DEMONEW.ora c:\app\test\oradata\12.1.0\dbhome_1\dbs\INIT_DEMONEW.ora
create a service for newdb on windows
c:\>oradim -new -sid DEMONEW
Execute the transport script in SQL*Plus to create the new database on the destination host.
- Edit the PFILE to change DB_NAME and necessary directories to create database in TARGET side.
- Change control_files, audit_file_dest,db_name parameters as below:
- Run the TRANSPORTDB.SQL file in SQL plus to create new database on TARGET side.It will create control files and redo log files and open database with resetlogs.After open resetlogs,it will also run utlrp.sql and utlirp.sql on target side.
I am attaching the transportdb.sql.
- Check the database status and invalid objects count.
- Check the data is transported to the new database.
Catch Me On:- Hariprasath Rajaram
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