This topic gives an overview of connecting a client to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database and describes how to obtain the credentials and information you need to create a connection.
Applications and tools connect to Autonomous Transaction Processing databases by using Oracle Net Services (also known as SQL*Net). SQL*Net supports a variety of connection types to Autonomous Transaction Processing databases, including Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC drivers, JDBC OC, and JDBC Thin Driver.
To support connections of any type, you’ll need to download the client security credentials and network configuration settings required to access your database. You’ll also need to supply the applicable TNS names or connection strings for a connection, depending on the client application or tool, type of connection, and service level. You can view or copy the TNS names and connection strings in the DB Connection dialog for your Autonomous Transaction Processing database.
About Downloading Client Credentials
The client credentials .zip that you download contains the following files:
cwallet.sso – Oracle auto-login wallet
ewallet.p12 – PKCS #12 wallet file associated with the auto-login wallet
sqlnet.ora – SQL*Net profile configuration file that includes the wallet location and TNSNAMES naming method
tnsnames.ora – SQL*Net configuration file that contains network service names mapped to connect descriptors for the local naming method
Java Key Store (JKS) files – Key store files for use with JDBC Thin Connections
Wallet files, along with the database user ID and password, provide access to data in your Autonomous Transaction Processing database. Store wallet files in a secure location. Share wallet files only with authorized users. If wallet files are transmitted in a way that might be accessed by unauthorized users (for example, over public email), transmit the wallet password separately and securely
To access the client credentials and connection information for your Autonomous Transaction Processing database
Step1:-Open the navigation menu. Under Database, click Autonomous Transaction Processing.Step2:-Choose your Compartment.
Step3:-In the list of Autonomous Transaction Processing databases, click on the display name of the database you are interested in.
Step4:-Click DB Connection.Step5:-To obtain the client credentials, click Download.
You will be prompted to provide a password to encrypt the keys inside the wallet. The password must be at least 8 characters long and must include at least 1 letter and either 1 numeric character or 1 special character.Save the client credentials zip file to a secure location.
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