In this article we are going to see step by step creating block volume storage for oracle cloud infrastructure instance
- The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Block Volume service lets you dynamically provision and manage block storage volumes . You can create, attach, connect and move volumes as needed to meet your storage and application requirements. Once attached and connected to an instance, you can use a volume like a regular hard drive. Volumes can also be disconnected and attached to another instance without the loss of data.
- A common usage of Block Volume is adding storage capacity to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance. Once you have launched an instance and set up your cloud network, you can create a block storage volume through the Console or API. Once created, you attach the volume to an instance using a volume attachment. Once attached, you connect to the volume from your instance’s guest OS using iSCSI or paravirtualized mode. The volume can then be mounted and used by your instance.
Step:-1 Navigate to the Menu and click on Block Storage.
Step:2 In Bock Volume service, click on Create Block Volume
Step:-3 Provide the following details
Name: oracledbwr
Create In Compartment: Your Compartment Name
Availability Domain: It must be the same as the AD you choose for your instance.
Size: Choose Min 50 GB.
Backup Policy: Gold
Block Volume Performance
Must be between 50 GB and 32 TB. You can choose in 1 GB increments within this range.
The default is 1024 GB
Step:-4 Leave the Encryption and tags options as it is and click on Create Block Volume. The volume will be ready to attach once its icon no longer lists it as PROVISIONING in the volume list
Step:-5 Block Volume storage is ready
Click Here Attaching Block volume Demo :-
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